Moving a piano to or from Blaine or anywhere in Washington state can be expensive. Piano Moving Art has found a best way to save you money. If you are flexible with dates, join our waiting list and save up to 50% or more.
All you have to do is to fill out an online form here and we automatically put you on the waiting list. Once we have at least 3 jobs going to or from Blaine or its vicinity, we will coordinate with each client to set a convenient time for all of you.
Our piano movers do not under staff and we do not hire day labor movers. They take pride on being on time and getting the job done safely and efficiently. Whatever brand piano you might own and need to move, they have the experience in Blaine, WA and confidence to providing you the safest piano move ever.

Piano Moving Art aims to get your piano moved as soon as possible. If you’re in need to schedule your piano move at a specific time, we also provide you with flexible scheduling so they can move your piano at your earliest convenience.
While you might want to save money by handling the move yourself, the reality is that in addition to being heavy and awkward to move, pianos need to be moved delicately. Failing to do so can cost you a significant amount of money in repair bills. It’s best to hire a piano-moving service.
Average piano moving cost by move to/from Blaine, WA: Local piano moving costs range from $250 to $800. We can save 50% or more by combining your move with other people in your area. And, depending on what you are paying for the piano, would likely still be well worth the investment. You are not likely find a mover to move the piano for less money.